
Licensing Information

This text was adapted by #OpenCourseWare under an Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Chapter 1: Introduction to Statistics and Statistical Thinking

  • Overview

Chapter 2: Statistics in Practice

  • Observational Studies
  • Controlled Experiments

Chapter 3: Visualizing Data

  • The Histogram
  • Graphing Data

Chapter 4: Frequency Distributions

  • Frequency Distributions for Quantitative Data
  • Frequency Distributions for Qualitative Data

Chapter 5: Describing, Exploring, and Comparing Data

  • Central Tendency
  • Measures of Relative Standing
  • The Law of Averages
  • Further Considerations for Data

Chapter 6: Measures of Variation

  • Describing Variability

Chapter 7: Sampling

  • Populations and Samples
  • Sample Surveys
  • Sampling Distributions
  • Errors in Sampling
  • Sampling Examples

Chapter 8: Probability

  • What Are the Chances?
  • Probability Rules
  • More About Chance

Chapter 9: Probability and Variability

  • Discrete Random Variables
  • The Binomial Random Variable
  • Other Random Variables

Chapter 10: Continuous Random Variables

  • The Normal Curve
  • Normal Approximation
  • Measurement Error
  • Expected Value and Standard Error
  • Normal Approximation for Probability Histograms

Chapter 11: Correlation and Regression

  • Correlation
  • More About Correlation
  • Regression
  • The Regression Line
  • R.M.S. Error for Regression
  • Multiple Regression

Chapter 12: Estimation and Hypothesis Testing

  • Estimation
  • Statistical Power
  • Comparing More than Two Means
  • Confidence Intervals
  • Hypothesis Testing: One Sample
  • Hypothesis Testing: Two Samples
  • Hypothesis Testing: Correlations
  • One-Way ANOVA
  • Two-Way ANOVA
  • Repeated-Measures ANOVA

Chapter 13: Other Hypothesis Tests

  • The t-Test
  • The Chi-Squared Test
  • Tests for Ranked Data
  • Nonparametric Statistics

Chapter 14: A Closer Look at Tests of Significance

  • Which Test?
  • A Closer Look at Tests of Significance


Licensing Information

This text was adapted by #OpenCourseWare under an Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Chapter 1: Sociology

  • The Sociological Perspective
  • The History of Sociology
  • Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology
  • The Sociological Approach

Chapter 2: Sociological Research

  • The Research Process
  • Research Models
  • Ethics in Sociological Research

Chapter 3: Culture

  • Culture and Society
  • The Symbolic Nature of Culture
  • Culture and Adaptation
  • Culture Worlds
  • Culture and the Dominant Ideology in the U.S.

Chapter 4: Socialization

  • The Role of Socialization
  • The Self and Socialization
  • Theories of Socialization
  • Learning Personality, Morality, and Emotions
  • Agents of Socialization
  • Gender Socialization
  • Socialization Throughout the Life Span
  • Childhood Socialization

Chapter 5: Social Interaction

  • Understanding Social Interaction
  • Types of Social Interaction
  • Elements of Social Interaction

Chapter 6: Social Groups and Organization

  • Types of Social Groups
  • Functions of Social Groups
  • Large Social Groups
  • Bureaucracy
  • Group Dynamics
  • Social Structure in the Global Perspective

Chapter 7: Deviance, Social Control, and Crime

  • Deviance
  • Social Control
  • Theories of Crime and Deviance
  • The Functionalist Perspective on Deviance
  • The Conflict Perspective on Deviance
  • The Symbolic-Interactionalist Perspective on Deviance
  • Crime
  • Reactions to Deviance

Chapter 8: Global Stratification and Inequality

  • Systems of Stratification
  • Global Stratification
  • Stratification in the World System
  • Global Diversity
  • A Comparative Analysis of Global Stratification in Mexico
  • Sociological Theories and Global Inequality

Chapter 9: Stratification, Inequality, and Social Class in the U.S.

  • Social Class
  • Social Class in the U.S.
  • The Class Structure in the U.S.
  • Social Mobility
  • The Impacts of Social Class
  • Poverty

Chapter 10: Race and Ethnicity

  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Minorities
  • Prejudice and Discrimination
  • Sociological Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity
  • Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.

Chapter 11: Gender Stratification and Inequality

  • Gender and Biology
  • Gender and Socialization
  • Sociological Perspectives on Gender Stratification
  • Women as a Minority
  • Women in the Workplace
  • Gender-Based Violence

Chapter 12: Family

  • Family
  • Marriage
  • Sociological Perspectives on Family
  • Recent Changes in Family Structure
  • Divorce
  • Family Violence

Chapter 13: Education

  • Education and the Global Perspective
  • Education and Inequality
  • Schools as Formal Organizations
  • The Functionalist Perspective on Education
  • The Conflict Perspective on Education
  • The Symbolic-Interactionist Perspective on Education
  • Issues in the U.S. Education System

Chapter 14: Religion

  • The Nature of Religion
  • Types of Religions
  • The Functionalist Perspective on Religion
  • The Conflict Perspective on Religion
  • The Symbolic-Interactionist Perspective on Religion
  • Religious Organizations
  • The Structure of Religion in the U.S.
  • Major Religions in the U.S.

Chapter 15: Government

  • Politics, Power, and Authority
  • Government and the State
  • Types of States
  • Democracy
  • The U.S. Political System
  • War and Terrorism

Chapter 16: Economy

  • Economic Systems
  • The Transformation of Economic Systems
  • Work

Chapter 17: Population and Urbanization

  • Population Dynamics
  • Population Growth
  • Urbanization and the Development of Cities
  • Urban Life
  • Urban Problems and Policy

Chapter 18: Aging

  • The Aging Population
  • A Global Perspective on Aging
  • The Functionalist Perspective on Aging
  • The Conflict Perspective on Aging
  • The Symbolic-Interactionist Perspective on Aging
  • Challenges of Aging

Chapter 19: Health and Illness

  • The Experience of Illness
  • Sociological Perspectives on Health and Illness
  • Social Epidemiology and Health
  • Health Care in the U.S.
  • Modern Issues in Health Care

Chapter 20: Sexuality

  • Socialization and Human Sexuality

Chapter 21: Social Change

  • Social Change and Collective Behavior
  • Sources of Social Change
  • Social Movements

Political Science

Licensing Information

This text was adapted by #OpenCourseWare under an Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Chapter 1: American Politics

  • Forms of Government
  • Functions of Government
  • Who Is American?
  • The Tenets of American Democracy
  • Political Ideology

Chapter 2: The Constitution and the Founding of America

  • The First American Government
  • The Constitutional Convention
  • The Constitution
  • Ratification of the Constitution
  • Amending the Constitution

Chapter 3: Federalism

  • Federalism in the Constitution
  • Fiscal Federalism
  • The History of Federalism
  • Federalism Today

Chapter 4: Civil Liberties

  • Civil Liberties and the Bill of Rights
  • The First Amendment: The Right to Freedom of Religion, Expression, Press, and Assembly
  • The Second Amendment: The Right to Bear Arms
  • The Right to Privacy
  • The Rights of the Accused
  • Terrorism and Security

Chapter 5: Civil Rights

  • Slavery and Civil Rights
  • The Civil Rights Movement
  • Women’s Rights
  • Civil Rights of Other Specific Groups
  • Affirmative Action

Chapter 6: Public Opinion

  • Public Opinion
  • Forming Public Opinion
  • Measuring Public Opinion

Chapter 7: Interest Groups

  • Interest Groups
  • Interest Group Strategies
  • Types of Interest Groups
  • Regulating Interest Groups
  • Elements of Successful Interest Groups
  • Political Parties
  • The Two-Party System
  • The History of Political Parties
  • Party Functions
  • Party Organization
  • Minor Political Parties
  • Modern Political Parties

Chapter 8: Campaigns and Elections

  • Elections
  • The Modern Political Campaign
  • Political Candidates
  • Presidential Elections
  • How Voters Decide
  • Recent Elections
  • The Role of Money in Campaigns and Elections

Chapter 9: Political Participation and Voting

  • Voting as Political Participation
  • Why People Vote
  • Voter Turnout
  • Trends in Voting

Chapter 10: The Media

  • The Role of the Media in Politics
  • Regulation of the Media
  • The Media and Political Campaigns
  • Media Bias
  • News Coverage

Chapter 11: Congress

  • The Nature and Function of Congress
  • Organization of Congress
  • The Legislative Function of Congress
  • The Budgeting Function of Congress
  • The Oversight Function of Congress
  • Congressional Elections
  • How Congressmen Decide

Chapter 12: The Presidency

  • The Powers of the Presidency
  • The Organization and Institution of the Presidency
  • The President’s Many Roles

Chapter 13: Bureaucracy

  • Bureaucracy
  • The Organization of Bureaucracy
  • Functions of Bureaucracy
  • Bureaucratic Reform

Chapter 14: The Judiciary

  • The American Legal System
  • Origins of American Law
  • The Federal Court System
  • Judicial Review and Policy Making
  • Federal Judicial Appointments

Chapter 15: Domestic Policy

  • The Policy-Making Process
  • Health Care Policy
  • Energy and Environmental Policy
  • Education Policy
  • Immigration Policy

Chapter 16: Economic Policy

  • Goals of Economic Policy
  • The History of Economic Policy
  • Economic Policy
  • Taxes
  • Politics and Economic Policy

Chapter 17: Social Policy

  • The Welfare State
  • Social Policies
  • Social Policy Demographics

Chapter 18: Foreign Policy

  • Foreign Policy
  • Who Makes U.S. Foreign Policy?
  • The History of American Foreign Policy
  • Challenges of Foreign Policy
  • Modern Foreign Policy


Licensing Information

This text was adapted by #OpenCourseWare under an Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing

  • Introduction to Marketing
  • Evolution of the Marketing Orientation
  • Contemporary Relationship Marketing
  • Value-Based Marketing
  • The Importance of Marketing
  • Evaluating Marketing Performance

Chapter 2: Marketing Strategies and Planning

  • Strategic Views
  • Introducing the Marketing Plan
  • Overview of Forecasting
  • Steps to Creating a Marketing Plan

Chapter 3: The Marketing Environment

  • The Marketing Environment
  • Internal Factors
  • External Factors
  • Technology

Chapter 4: Consumer Marketing

  • Introduction to Consumers
  • The Market Research Process
  • Technology to Assist Market Research
  • Market Segmentation
  • Identification of Target Markets
  • Conducting a Segmentation
  • Competitive Perceptual Positioning
  • The Consumer Decision Process
  • Influences of Personality on the Consumer Decision Process
  • Social Influences on the Consumer Decision Process
  • Consumer Experience

Chapter 5: Business-to-Business Marketing

  • Business Markets
  • Business Customers
  • The Business Buying Decision Process

Chapter 6: Services Marketing

  • The Importance of Services
  • Services versus Products
  • Marketing Mixes for Services

Chapter 7: Global Marketing

  • Introduction to Global Marketing
  • Important International Bodies and Agreements
  • Global Marketing Mix

Chapter 8: Pricing

  • Introduction to Price
  • Competitive Dynamics and Pricing
  • Demand Analysis
  • Inputs to Pricing Decisions
  • Pricing Objectives
  • General Pricing Strategies
  • Specific Pricing Strategies
  • Pricing Tactics
  • Pricing Legal Concerns

Chapter 9: Products

  • What Is a Product?
  • Types of Products
  • Product Line and Product Mix
  • Product Life Cycles
  • Managing Existing Products
  • New Product Development
  • Differentiating Factors in Product Design
  • The Spread of New Products

Chapter 10: Branding and Packaging

  • Branding
  • Packaging

Chapter 11: Marketing Channels

  • Marketing Channels in the Supply Chain
  • Channel Intermediaries
  • Channel Structures
  • Channel Strategy Decisions
  • Marketing Channel Relationships

Chapter 12: Integrated Marketing Communications

  • Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Understanding Promotion
  • The Promotion Mix
  • Selecting the Promotion Mix for a Particular Product
  • Integrated Marketing Communications

Chapter 13: Advertising and Public Relations

  • Types of Advertising
  • Impacts of Advertising
  • The Advertising Campaign
  • Public Relations

Chapter 14: Personal Selling and Sales Promotion

  • Personal Selling
  • The Personal Selling Process
  • Selling Roles
  • Types of Selling
  • Managing the Sales Force
  • Sales Promotion
  • Promotion Methods in Consumer Sales

Chapter 15: Social Media Marketing

  • Introduction to Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • Social Media and Technology Trends
  • Marketing Research and Consumer-Created Content

Chapter 16: Social Responsibility and Ethics in Marketing

  • Overview of Ethics
  • Ethics in Marketing
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Including Ethics in Strategic Planning

Chapter 17: Introduction to Nonprofit Marketing

  • Nonprofit Marketing


Licensing Information

This text was adapted by #OpenCourseWare under an Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Chapter 1: Introduction to Management

  • Principles of Management
  • Management Levels and Types
  • Core Requirements of Successful Managers
  • Additional Roles and Skills of Managers
  • Current Challenges in Management
  • Entrepreneurship

Chapter 2: Organizational Structure

  • Defining Organization
  • Components of an Organization
  • Common Organizational Structures
  • Factors to Consider in Organizational Design
  • Trends in Organization

Chapter 3: Organizational Theory

  • Why Study Organizational Theory
  • Classical Perspectives
  • Behavioral Perspectives
  • Modern Thinking
  • Evolving Organizations

Chapter 4: Organizational Culture and Innovation

  • Culture
  • Shaping Organizational Culture
  • Adapting and Innovating
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Intrapreneurship
  • Managing Change for Organizations
  • Managing Change for Employees

Chapter 5: Organizational Behavior

  • Individual Perceptions and Behavior
  • Personality
  • Stress in Organizations
  • Drivers of Behavior
  • Motivating an Organization
  • Employee Needs and Motivation
  • Process and Motivation
  • Reinforcement and Motivation
  • Job Design and Motivation
  • Compensation and Motivation

Chapter 6: Groups, Teams, and Teamwork

  • Defining Teams and Teamwork
  • Types of Teams
  • Building Successful Teams
  • Factors Influencing Team Performance
  • Managing Conflict

Chapter 7: Human Resource Management

  • Purpose of Human Resource Management
  • Legal Structure
  • Core Functions of Human Resource Management
  • Employee Evaluation and Management, in Detail
  • Current Topics in Human Resource Management

Chapter 8: Control

  • Control Process
  • Types of Control
  • Bureaucratic and Quality Control Tools and Techniques
  • Financial and Project Management Tools of Control
  • Scorecard Management
  • Managing Control
  • Managing Productivity

Chapter 9: Leadership

  • Defining Leadership
  • Trait Approach
  • Behavioral Approach
  • Contingency Approach
  • Types of Leaders
  • Other Leadership Perspectives
  • Developing Leadership Skills

Chapter 10: Decision Making

  • Decision Making in Management
  • Rational and Nonrational Decision Making
  • Conditions for Making Decisions
  • Decision Making Process
  • Considering Ethics in Decision Making
  • Barriers to Decision Making
  • Managing Group Decision Making

Chapter 11: Communication

  • Understanding Communication
  • Management and Communication
  • Barriers to Effective Communication
  • Improving Communication Effectiveness

Chapter 12: Strategic Management

  • Strategic Management
  • External Inputs to Strategy
  • Internal Analysis Inputs to Strategy
  • Creating Strategy: Common Approaches
  • Common Types of Corporate Strategies
  • The Planning Process
  • Types of Plans
  • Planning Tools
  • The Planning Cycle

Chapter 13: Ethics in Business

  • Ethics, an Overview
  • Business Stakeholders
  • Maintaining Ethical Standards
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Ethical Responsibilities of Management

Chapter 14: Globalization and Business

  • Globalization
  • Historical Developments in the Global Economy
  • International Trade Barriers
  • International Trade Agreements & Organizations
  • Types of International Business
  • The Global Corporation
  • Managing International Corporations

Chapter 15: Diversity in a Global Business World

  • Diversity in Organizations
  • Creating a Diverse Workforce
  • Challenges to Achieving Diversity

Chapter 16: Entrepreneurship and Management

  • The Small Business
  • Small Business Owners: A Profile


Licensing Information

This text was adapted by #OpenCourseWare under an Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Chapter 1: Introduction to Writing

  • Introduction to Writing

Chapter 2: Writing an Effective Paper

  • Steps of Writing a Paper
  • Prewriting Techniques
  • Building Your Paper
  • Quoting and Paraphrasing
  • Incorporating Objections and Opposing Views

Chapter 3: The Research Process

  • Understanding the Academic Context of Your Topic
  • Organizing Your Research Plan
  • Finding Your Sources
  • Understanding Your Sources
  • Using Your Sources
  • Citing Your Sources

Chapter 4: Overview of English Grammar: Parts of Speech

  • Introduction to English Grammar and Mechanics
  • Nouns
  • Pronouns
  • Verbs
  • Modifiers: Adjectives and Adverbs
  • Conjunctions
  • Agreement and Parallelism

Chapter 5: Overview of English Grammar: Punctuation and Mechanics

  • Commas
  • Colons and Semicolons
  • Apostrophes and Quotation Marks
  • Hyphens and Dashes
  • Other Punctuation
  • General Mechanics

Chapter 6: Writing Effective Sentences

  • The Importance of Wording
  • Word Choice
  • Tone
  • Diction

Chapter 7: Writing Effective Paragraphs

  • Organizing Your Ideas
  • Connecting Your Ideas
  • Keeping Your Writing Engaging

Chapter 8: Rhetorical Modes

  • Types of Rhetorical Modes

Chapter 9: Writing Across Disciplines

  • Writing in the Natural and Social Sciences: The Research Paper and the IMRAD Model

Chapter 10: Writing a Paper in MLA Style (Humanities)

  • MLA: Quotations and Citations

Chapter 11: Writing a Paper in APA Style (Social Sciences)

  • Introduction to APA Style
  • APA: Structure and Formatting of Specific Elements
  • APA: Empirical Research Papers
  • APA: Citations and References

Chapter 12: Writing a Paper in Chicago/Turabian Style (History)

  • Chicago/Turabian: Structure and Formatting of Specific Elements
  • Chicago/Turabian: Citations and References Notes and Bibliography (NB) System
  • Chicago/Turabian: Citations and References AuthorDate (AD) System


Licensing Information

This text was adapted by #OpenCourseWare under an Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Field and Goals of Financial Management

  • Introducing Finance
  • Goals of Financial Management
  • Trends and Issues in Finance
  • Ethics: An Overview
  • Types of Business Organizations
  • Corporate Governance
  • Agency and Conflicts of Interest
  • Asset Classes
  • Financial Markets

Chapter 2: Financial Statements, Taxes, and Cash Flow

  • Introducing Financial Statements
  • The Income Statement
  • The Balance Sheet
  • Tax Considerations
  • The Statement of Cash Flows
  • Other Statements

Chapter 3: Analyzing Financial Statements

  • Standardizing Financial Statements
  • Overview of Ratio Analysis
  • Profitability Ratios
  • Asset Management Ratios
  • Liquidity Ratios
  • Debt Management Ratios
  • Market Value Ratios
  • The DuPont Equation, ROE, ROA, and Growth
  • Using Financial Ratios for Analysis
  • Considering Inflation’s Distortionary Effects

Chapter 4: Forecasting Financial Statements

  • The Role of Financial Forecasting in Planning
  • Overview of Forecasting
  • Forecasting the Income Statement
  • Forecasting the Balance Sheet
  • Building a Cash Budget
  • Analyzing Forecasts

Chapter 5: The Time Value of Money

  • Introduction to the Time Value of Money
  • Future Value, Single Amount
  • Present Value, Single Amount
  • Annuities
  • Valuing Multiple Cash Flows
  • Additional Detail on Present and Future Values
  • Yield

Chapter 6: Bond Valuation

  • The Basics of Interest Rates
  • Additional Detail on Interest Rates
  • Key Characteristics of Bonds
  • Understanding Bonds
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Bonds
  • Types of Bonds
  • Bond Markets
  • Valuing Bonds
  • Bond Risk

Chapter 7: Stock Valuation

  • Defining Stock
  • Types of Stock
  • Rules and Rights of Common and Preferred Stock
  • Stock Markets
  • Stock Valuation
  • Valuing the Corporation

Chapter 8: Introduction to Risk and Return

  • Understanding Return
  • Portfolio Considerations
  • The Impact of News of Expected Returns
  • Risk
  • Implications Across Portfolios
  • Diversification
  • Understanding the Security Market Line

Chapter 9: Security Market Efficiency and Returns

  • The Security Markets
  • Understanding Returns
  • Market Efficiency
  • Market Regulation

Chapter 10: Introduction to the Cost of Capital

  • The Basics of the Cost of Capital
  • Valuing Different Costs
  • Approaches to Calculating the Cost of Capital
  • The WACC

Chapter 11: Capital Budgeting

  • Introduction to Capital Budgeting
  • The Payback Method
  • Internal Rate of Return
  • Net Present Value
  • Cash Flow Analysis and Other Factors

Chapter 12: The Role of Risk in Capital Budgeting

  • The Relationship Between Risk and Capital Budgeting
  • Assessing Stand-Alone Risk
  • Risk and Return
  • Scenario and Simulation Assessments
  • Factors Impacting Capital Budgeting
  • Other Considerations in Capital Budgeting

Chapter 13: Capital Structure

  • Introducing Capital Structure
  • Capital Structure Considerations
  • Understanding the Bankruptcy Process
  • Thinking About Operating Leverage
  • Thinking About Financial Leverage

Chapter 14: Obtaining Capital: Methods of Long-Term Financing

  • Types of Financing
  • Venture Capital
  • Leasing
  • The Role of Investment Banks in Financing
  • Distributing Stock
  • Comparing Public and Private Financing

Chapter 15: Dividends

  • Introduction to Dividends
  • Dividend Policy
  • Setting the Dividend
  • Cash Dividend Alternatives

Chapter 16: Options and Corporate Finance

  • Convertible Securities
  • Options
  • Warrants
  • Derivatives
  • Managing Risk with Derivatives

Chapter 17: Introduction to Working Capital

  • Working Capital
  • Approaches to Working Capital Financing
  • Overview of the Working Capital Financing Decision

Chapter 18: Working Capital Management

  • The Importance of Cash
  • Cash Management
  • Securities Management
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Inventory Management

Chapter 19: Overview of Short-Term Financing

  • Short-Term Financing

Chapter 20: Mergers and Acquisitions

  • Types of Transactions
  • Preparing for a Merger
  • The Role of Investment Bankers in M&A
  • Additional Topics in M&A

Chapter 21: Financial Management Outside of the U.S.

  • Types of International Business
  • The International Business Environment
  • Factors Impacting Exchange Rates
  • Types of Rates and Transactions
  • Managing Exchange Risk
  • International Investment and Finance


Licensing Information

This text was adapted by #OpenCourseWare under an Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Chapter 1: Principles of Economics

  • The Study of Economics
  • Individual Decision Making
  • Interaction of Individuals, Firms, and Societies
  • Basic Economic Questions
  • Economic Models
  • Differences Between Macroeconomics and Microeconomics

Chapter 2: The Market System

  • Introducing the Market System

Chapter 3: Introducing Supply and Demand

  • Demand
  • Supply
  • Market Equilibrium
  • Government Intervention and Disequilibrium

Chapter 4: Economic Surplus

  • Consumer Surplus
  • Producer Surplus

Chapter 5: Consumer Choice and Utility

  • The Demand Curve and Utility
  • Theory of Consumer Choice

Chapter 6: Elasticity and its Implications

  • Price Elasticity of Demand
  • Other Demand Elasticities
  • Price Elasticity of Supply

Chapter 7: Market Failure: Externalities

  • Introducing Market Failure
  • Externalities in Depth
  • Government Policy Options
  • Private Solutions

Chapter 8: Market Failure: Public Goods and Common Resources

  • Public Goods
  • Common Resources

Chapter 9: Production

  • The Production Function
  • Production Cost
  • Economic Profit

Chapter 10: Competitive Markets

  • Perfect Competition
  • Production Decisions in Perfect Competition
  • Long-Run Outcomes

Chapter 11: Monopoly

  • Introduction to Monopoly
  • Barriers to Entry: Reasons for Monopolies to Exist
  • Monopoly Production and Pricing Decisions
  • and Profit Outcome
  • Impacts of Monopoly on Efficiency
  • Price Discrimination
  • Monopoly in Public Policy

Chapter 12: Monopolistic Competition

  • Monopolistic Competition

Chapter 13: Oligopoly

  • Prerequisites of Oligopoly
  • Oligopoly in Practice

Chapter 14: Inputs to Production: Labor, Natural Resources, and Technology

  • Demand for Labor
  • Labor Market Equilibrium and Wage Determinants
  • Income Distribution
  • Capital and Natural Resource Markets
  • Capital, Productivity, and Technology

Chapter 15: Challenges to Efficient Outcomes

  • Sources of Inefficiency

Chapter 16: Taxes and Public Finance

  • Introduction to Taxes
  • Deploying and Measuring Taxes
  • Progressive, Proportional, and Regressive Taxes
  • Taxation in the United States
  • Personal, Property, and Sales Taxes

Chapter 17: Income Inequality and Poverty

  • Defining and Measuring Inequality, Mobility, and Poverty
  • Policies for Reducing Poverty

Chapter 18: Introduction to Macroeconomics

  • Key Topics in Macroeconomics

Chapter 19: Measuring Output and Income

  • Measuring Output Using GDP
  • Other Measures of Output
  • Comparing Real and Nominal GDP
  • Cost of Living

Chapter 20: Economic Growth

  • Comparing Economies
  • Assessing Growth
  • Productivity
  • Long-Run Growth
  • The Impact of Policy on Growth

Chapter 21: Inflation

  • Defining, Measuring, and Assessing Inflation

Chapter 22: Unemployment

  • Introduction to Unemployment
  • Measuring Unemployment
  • Understanding Unemployment

Chapter 23: Inflation and Unemployment

  • The Relationship Between
  • Inflation and Unemployment

Chapter 24: Aggregate Demand and Supply

  • Introducing Aggregate Expenditure
  • Introducing Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
  • Aggregate Demand
  • Aggregate Supply
  • The Aggregate Demand-Supply Model

Chapter 25: Major Macroeconomic Theories

  • Major Theories in Macroeconomics

Chapter 26: Fiscal Policy

  • Introduction to Fiscal Policy
  • Evaluating Fiscal Policy

Chapter 27: The Monetary System

  • Introducing Money
  • Introducing the Federal Reserve
  • Creating Money

Chapter 28: Monetary Policy

  • Introduction to Monetary Policy
  • Monetary Policy Tools
  • Impacts of Federal Reserve Policies
  • Historical Federal Reserve Policies

Chapter 29: The Financial System

  • Introducing the Financial System
  • Tools of Finance

Chapter 30: Current Topics in Macroeconomics

  • Questions for Debate

Chapter 31: International Trade

  • Introduction to International Trade
  • Gains from Trade
  • The United States in the Global Economy
  • Barriers to Trade
  • Arguments for and Against Protectionist Policy

Chapter 32: Open Economy Macroeconomics

  • Capital Flows
  • Exchange Rates
  • Equilibrium

Chapter 33: Economic Crises

  • Fundamentals of Banking Crises
  • The 2007-2009 Crisis

Chapter 34: Interest and Profit

  • Interest

Chapter 35: Health Care Economics

  • Introducing Health Care Economics

Chapter 36: Natural Resource Economics

  • Introduction to Natural Resource Economics

Chapter 37: Agriculture Economics

  • Introduction to the Agriculture Economics

Chapter 38: Immigration Economics

  • Introduction to Immigration Economics


Licensing Information

This text was adapted by #OpenCourseWare under an Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Chapter 1: Introduction to Public Speaking

  • Learning How to Speak Publicly
  • History of Public Speaking
  • What You Can Accomplish with Public Speaking
  • Elements of Speech Communication
  • Types of Public Speeches

Chapter 2: Public Speaking Ethics

  • Significance of Ethics in Public Speaking
  • Plagiarism

Chapter 3: Preparing the Speech: A Process Outline

  • Components of a Speech
  • Steps of Preparing a Speech

Chapter 4: Building Confidence to Speak

  • Understanding Anxiety
  • Managing Anxiety

Chapter 5: Learning to Listen and Helping Others Do the Same

  • Understanding Listening
  • Stages of Listening
  • Barriers to Listening
  • Enhancing Your Listening
  • Helping Your Audience Listen More
  • Giving and Receiving Criticism

Chapter 6: Choosing a Topic

  • Finding and Selecting a Topic
  • Establishing a Purpose and a Thesis

Chapter 7: Analyzing the Audience

  • The Importance of Audience Analysis
  • Demographic Factors to Consider
  • Contextual Factors to Consider
  • Adapting to Your Audience

Chapter 8: Topic Research: Gathering Materials and Evidence

  • Gathering Evidence: An Overview
  • Library Research
  • Internet Research
  • Interviewing

Chapter 9: Supporting Your Ideas

  • Deploying Supporting Materials
  • Using Examples
  • Using Statistics
  • Using Testimony
  • Using Other Supporting Materials
  • Using Life Experience (Narrative)

Chapter 10: Organizing and Outlining the Speech

  • Principles of Organization
  • Main Points
  • Introduction
  • Conclusion
  • Transitions
  • Outlining

Chapter 11: Wording the Speech

  • Understanding Language
  • Variations in Language
  • Using Language Effectively
  • Deploying Style Effectively
  • Understanding Bias in Language

Chapter 12: Delivering the Speech

  • Methods of Delivery
  • Speaking in the Real World
  • Effective Vocal Delivery
  • Effective Visual Delivery
  • Interaction in Public Speaking
  • Rehearsing the Speech
  • Managing Q&A

Chapter 13: Informative Speaking

  • Introduction to Informative Speaking
  • Effective Informative Speaking

Chapter 14: Persuasive Speaking

  • Introduction to Persuasive Speaking
  • Types of Persuasive Speeches
  • Sample Persuasive Speech

Chapter 15: Methods of Persuasive Speaking

  • Getting the Most Out of a Persuasive Speech
  • Credibility Appeals
  • Evidentiary Appeals
  • Logical Appeals
  • Emotional Appeals
  • Motivational Appeals

Chapter 16: Preparing and Using Visual Aids

  • The Value of Sensory Enhancements
  • Types of Sensory Enhancements
  • Preparing Sensory Enhancements
  • Presenting with Sensory Enhancements
  • Using PowerPoint and Alternatives Successfully

Chapter 17: Special Occasions

  • Speeches for Special Occasions

Chapter 18: Speaking in and for Groups

  • Working in Groups
  • Presenting Group Thinking


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This text was adapted by #OpenCourseWare under an Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Chapter 1: Introduction to Business

  • What Is a Business?
  • The Business Environment
  • Trends in American Business
  • Introduction to Entrepreneurship
  • Learning Business Topics

Chapter 2: Economics and Business

  • Introduction to Economic Systems
  • Businesses Under Capitalist Systems
  • Measuring Economic Performance
  • Businesses Under Socialist Systems
  • Businesses Under Communist Systems
  • Businesses under Mixed Economic Systems

Chapter 3: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

  • Business Ethics
  • Promoting Ethical Behavior
  • Social Responsibility
  • Consumer Rights

Chapter 4: International Business

  • The Drive for International Trade
  • International Trade Barriers
  • International Trade Agreements and Organizations
  • The Money of International Business
  • Types of International Business

Chapter 5: Business Writing

  • Introduction to Business Communications
  • Means of Communication
  • Creating High-Value Communications
  • Effective Rhetoric and Presentation
  • Word Choice
  • Audience Analysis

Chapter 6: Types of Business Ownership

  • Sole Proprietorships
  • Partnerships
  • Corporations
  • Special Forms of Ownership
  • Franchising
  • Cooperatives and Joint Ventures
  • Corporate Growth

Chapter 7: Small Business and Entrepreneurship

  • The Small Business
  • Small Business Owners: A Profile
  • Small Business Owners: The Disadvantages
  • Starting a Small Business

Chapter 8: Management

  • An Introduction to Management
  • Functions of Managers
  • Types of Management
  • Decision Making
  • Characteristics of Good Managers

Chapter 9: Organizational Structure

  • Defining an Organization
  • Components of an Organization
  • Common Organizational Structures
  • Factors to Consider in Organizational Design
  • Trends in Organization

Chapter 10: Operations Management

  • Introduction to Operations Management
  • Quality Management
  • Productivity
  • Controlling the Supply Chain
  • Planning for Operations

Chapter 11: Motivation Theories and Applications

  • Management and Motivation
  • Theories of Motivation
  • Modern Views on Motivation
  • Motivation Techniques in Practice

Chapter 12: Human Resource Management

  • Human Resources and Relevant Laws
  • Performance, Promotion, and Firing
  • Compensation
  • Developing Employees
  • The Functions and Goals of HR
  • Recruitment

Chapter 13: Organized Labor Relations

  • The History of Unions
  • Organized Labor and Related Laws
  • Collective Bargaining
  • Managing Employees
  • Union Negotiation Tactics

Chapter 14: Marketing and the Customer Relationship

  • Customer Relationships
  • Marketing Strategies

Chapter 15: Product and Pricing Strategies

  • Pricing Methods
  • Pricing Objectives
  • Pricing Strategies
  • Pricing Products
  • New Product Development
  • Product Strategy
  • Product Packaging and Branding

Chapter 16: Product Distribution

  • Distribution Channels
  • Wholesalers
  • Retailers
  • Logistics

Chapter 17: Marketing Communications

  • Promotion
  • Public Relations
  • Personal Selling
  • Advertising

Chapter 18: Financial Statements

  • Ratio Analysis and Statement Evaluation
  • Accounting Information
  • The Accounting Process
  • The Balance Sheet
  • The Income Statement
  • The Statement of Cash Flows

Chapter 19: Financial Management

  • Introduction to Financial Management
  • Planning
  • Operating Funds
  • Short-Term Financing
  • Long-Term Financing

Chapter 20: Managing Information Technology

  • Information Technology Trends
  • Decision Making
  • E-Commerce
  • Difficulties with New Technologies

Chapter 21: The Functions of Money and Banking

  • Money as a Tool
  • Credit
  • American Banking
  • Trends in Banking
  • The Federal Reserve System
  • Protection of Funds